Featured Contributors

I’m very lucky to have some great friends who also happen to have great perspectives on cooking, eating and fitness. In effort to share a variety of viewpoints on the blog, I’ve coerced them into contributing thought provoking (or just fun) posts to the blog. One of the things I love about healthy lifestyles is that there are many different versions of them. It is not a one size fits all. My hope is that you can learn something different from all of these lovely ladies.


First let me say, I’m honored to be a part of Jen’s blogging company! Now here’s my scoop: I’m married to an über creative and supportive husband, Dave and mom to the most adorable little red head (not even 1 ½ yrs).  Currently I teach English learners at a high school and licensure classes at an area university. Travel is incredibly important to me and I start to go a little stir-crazy if I don’t get out of the country every year or two.  I used to host karaoke, but now I just sing opera arias in the car. I’m a proud member of the Gourmet Dinner Club that Jen regularly posts about, but I’m not sure how I made it in. I’m that girl who spills everything and miscalculates portions! My athletic pursuits are few, but meaningful and important. Without regular workouts, my positive energy starts to turn. And probably the most important thing that has shaped my adult life is the fact that I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bangladesh and it comes up in conversation constantly. I think it’s my time spent bent over my kerosene stove that sparked my desire to learn more about cooking.

25 random things about Amanda



Just like Jen, I love food.  I really really REALLY like to eat (who doesn’t?!). Unlike Jen, however, I really don’t love cooking. If I had more free time I think I’d enjoy it more, but mainly I find recipe researching, list making, grocery shopping, and food prep to be kind of a drag. Since I do love to eat, and I love to eat quality food, my daily struggle lies in planning for and preparing healthy and tasty meals that will satisfy my food cravings and leave my family happy and healthy.  So, as much as I dislike meal preparation and time spent in the kitchen, I continue to do it (and complain about it!) because I value good cooking, healthy food options, and family togetherness at mealtimes.

A little more about me… I’m married to a great guy named Pat (who also loves to eat!), and we’re the proud parents to two boys, Ryan born 2007 and Sam born 2010. I reside in Minneapolis, MN. I’m presently working as a Stay at Home Mother, and I like to involve my kiddos in helping in the kitchen. In my former life I worked as an ESL teacher and did a fair amount of traveling. My present hobbies (when I am granted a few moments of time to myself) include reading, strolling around the Minneapolis lakes and parks system, photography, and blogging (I also write here.)

25 random things about Anne

How we became friends – our first post!


Hey – I’m Liza.  I heart food.  I love cooking it, eating it, shopping for it, reading about it, writing about it…you get the idea.
My husband Rob and I live in Minneapolis.  We have a 2 ½ yr. old son Elliot and another baby on the way.  We also have a weimaraner named Winifred who is the craziest dog ever.  No seriously I challenge any of you to argue with me on this one.

I moonlight as a consultant working from home in Marketing and Communications and I also stay home with our little guy.
I have always loved to cook but over the past year I have become more conscious about what we eat and where it comes from and what it does to our bodies.  I have taken dozens of nutrition classes and contemplate maybe one day adding that to my career path in some yet to be determined way.

When not pregnant, I love a good Old Fashioned, red wine or a scotch.  Other loves of mine include reading, writing, traveling, tap dancing and photography.

25 random things about Liza


What up? My name is Meghan… well actually it is Whitney. What? Yeah that is what happens when your parents don’t agree on anything. Ever. They just give you two names instead of one. Good idea right? Best part… Whitney was my mom’s alias in college when she was at the bar. If a boy asked her for her digits and she wasn’t interested she told them her name was Whitney because it sounds “so rich and southern”. So now I not only have two names but one is a drinking alias.

I live in the Twin Cities via GA, NJ, CA, AK, SC, with the love of my life Tommy. He is an enginerd 40 hours a week and an x-mas tree farmer the other hours of the week.

I work for a non-profit and love it. However, on any given day I would rather be biking, walking, talking, snowboarding, cross country skiing, eating cupcakes, dancing with T-dogg in our kitchen, hanging with my amazing friends, or enjoying a little red wine or whiskey.
The idea of blogging is rather foreign to me but I find more and more that I get all of my recipes and vegan advice from them so I will approach this new venture with that in mind. It is pretty awesome hearing real stuff from real people. I am a horrible writer so I ask you now for your forgiveness as I butcher the English language. Feel free to correct me.


Hi there, I am Willa. I live in the lovely Twin Cities with my amazing husband, Arnoldo. I have lived in Mill Valley, CA, Madison, WI, Toledo, Spain, Los Angeles, CA and now, Minnesota.

Great food and running make me very happy; the two definitely go hand-in-hand. Buying local and minimizing processed foods are very important to me, but I realize that given our current food system these choices are a luxury. I want to do my part to change this reality. Fortunately, I am not alone in this endeavor.

Aside of food and running, I also enjoy reading and movie going. My all-time favorite book is The Tao of Pooh. There is nothing like a great romantic comedy (I admit my love for Hitch) and Woman on Top takes the cake. I am fluent in Spanish and consider it to be central to my life and who I am. While I deeply share the love for Spanish food, Venezuelan rules the roost. Arepas anyone?

I look forward to sharing with you.

25 random things about Willa

7 Responses to “Featured Contributors”


  1. Amanda’s 25 Things « She said. She said. - March 4, 2011

    […] Featured Contributors […]

  2. Meal Swapping « She said. She said. - March 10, 2011

    […] Featured Contributors […]

  3. my favorite carrot cake (and a giveaway!) « She said. She said. - March 11, 2011

    […] Featured Contributors […]

  4. The Ride of a Lifetime… « She said. She said. - March 17, 2011

    […] Featured Contributors […]

  5. the incredible edible egg « She said. She said. - March 23, 2011

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  6. spring training « She said. She said. - March 27, 2011

    […] Featured Contributors […]

  7. restaurant review – cafe maude « She said. She said. - April 7, 2011

    […] Featured Contributors […]

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