a year in review

30 Dec

Sometime over this holiday weekend, I will be posting my food goals and my fitness goals for 2011. How on earth is it 2011? Time is starting to pass a little to fast for me. This time of year definitely gives me pause to ask myself if I enjoy each moment and really live it. Something to ponder for the new year.

Before I get to the new year, I thought I should do a review of this past years and specifically my food goals for 2010. So here goes.

1. Know where my meat comes from….when at all possible.

This was very successful. It helped that I had a vegetarian summer so I didn’t even need to think about it for three months. It also helps that I have hunters in the family, including Brette. The last two deers he has brought home, we have done the butchering and know pretty much everything there is to know about where the meat came from. (contemplating a whole post on butchering a deer – thoughts?) Almost all the other meat I have eaten I have bought from the farmer – either at the grocery store or from the co-op.  Now, there were obviously times while traveling or when with friends, that I wasn’t 100% sure, but my effort was very strong. This is definitely one I will continue to be mindful of.

2. Make my own yogurt.

Success! And it’s completely easy. You can read all about it here. I have kind of gotten away from it over the summer, but will get back into the swing of it  shortly.

3. Cook a lobster.

Tell me you’ve read the lobster post. It’s one of my all time favorites. This was one of the most fun evenings of my year and cooking a lobster is super easy. If it scares you (it sure scared me), do it anyway. And invite some friends.

4. Make more bread.

Well, I did make more bread. However, I did not make it once a month as I had hoped. I did find one bread recipe that we both really like and that I’ve been successful with. The others…not so much. Bread making is something I’d like to be really good at it, but so far I’m better off going to a trusted bakery.

5. Can two new things.

Check! This year in addition to canned tomatoes, I canned strawberry jam, apple rhubarb chutney, salsa and barbecue sauce. I’m really happy with the first three, but I do wish my salsa and bbq sauce had a bit more kick. Next year.

Brette also canned some pickled jalapenos and from what I’ve heard, they turned out well. Pickled jalapenos is not something I reach for in the fridge, so I have yet to try them.

6. Eat at the following restaurants: Restaurant Alma, Lucia’s and Sea Change.

Check, check and check.

You can read my review of Restaurant Alma here. Anyone want to take me there sometime soon?

Sea Change was a delightful evening with some of the best atmosphere the city has to offer.

I actually went to Lucia’s twice…and never wrote about it! I went there once for lunch and once for dinner. I enjoyed myself both times, though the dinner provided better food. As I said, I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t an OMG experience. It’s just really good food.

With the exception of the bread, I think I nailed my goals for this year. In addition, here are some of my favorite events of 2010:

1. Anne had a baby! Talk about news. And early indications show that little Sam likes to eat, so we’ll let him stick around. Because Anne is not one to brag, I will. Aren’t her kids adorable??

Note: I completely stole this photo from Anne’s other blog. You should check it out to see other cute photos of her family.

2. Sugar Bushing! I have never appreciated maple syrup more now that I know what goes into making it. This is probably my favorite post of 2010.

this takes concentration

3. Pizza on the Farm – the first outing (outside of our houses) of the Gourmet Dinner Club. It was such a fun experience and if you ever have the chance, you should go.

I love the color of this building.

4. Going to Valley Fair for my birthday. Nothing like going on crazy rides and feeling “off” for two days afterwards to start off the big 33.

5. Training and running the Mankato Half Marathon – it wasn’t always fun, but I still loved most minutes of it. I can’t wait to do it again!

6. Blog facelift. Anne and I spent quite a bit of time spiffing up the blog, adding some new pages and some new features. There are some thoughts underway for this next year, but we’d love you’re input!

So, two questions today as you are celebrating the ending of one year and the fresh start of another.

1. Ideas for my 2011 food goals? So far I only have one. Help!

2. What would you like to see on the blog? More recipes? More fitness stuff? More restaurant stuff? More random ramblings? Anything specific? We’re listening!  I have had two emails recently with topic ideas that will definitely be addressed. We’re always looking for ideas.

Thanks for a fabulous 2010 and cheers to wonderful New Year!

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